Lieux sauvegardés par Adrienne
IKEA Restaurant is one of Lieux sauvegardés par Adrienne.

1. IKEA Restaurant

1475 The Queensway (at Holly St), Toronto, ON
Fast-food · Islington - City Centre West · 19 conseils et avis

Metro NewsMetro News: Naturally, the Swedish meatballs are a no-brainer, especially with mashed potatoes and ligonberry sauce. You'll never confuse this place with fine dining, but you definitely get your money's worth. En savoir plus .

C'est What is one of Lieux sauvegardés par Adrienne.

2. C'est What

67 Front St E (at Church St), Toronto, ON
Bar à bières · St. Lawrence · 111 conseils et avis

National PostNational Post: The 22nd Annual Festival Of Craft Breweries, $1 per sample for most beers, Sept. 24. Part of Toronto Beer Week En savoir plus .

Bike Share Stand Temperance St / Yonge St is one of Lieux sauvegardés par Adrienne.

3. Bike Share Stand Temperance St / Yonge St

Temperance St (btw Yonge & Bay), Toronto, ON
Location de vélos · Financial District · Ni conseil ni avis

National PostNational Post: The Bixi bikes have three speeds, easily adjustable seats, plus a flashing rear light and a bell. A one-year membership costs $95. Non-members can buy a 24-hour pass at the stand for $5. Read more: En savoir plus .

Blowfish Restaurant is one of Lieux sauvegardés par Adrienne.

4. Blowfish Restaurant

333 Bay St. (at Adelaide St. W), Toronto, ON
Restaurant japonais · Financial District · 9 conseils et avis

National PostNational Post: "A menu that is all dazzling gotcha, [but] we sussed the the Blowfish aesthetic: Chef G.Q. Pan is spice averse." No stars: Food; 1 star: Service, Ambience. Read more: En savoir plus .