Become a member! You will get in more quickly, can come back any time again that year for free, save money in the gift shop, I mentioned you get in more quickly right?
For little kids - recommend 4th floor lego area and animals on 5th floor ... Snapping turtle being fed, pettingcrabs - and of course water area on ground floor !
Just steps from the AOPA Summit at the convention center you’ll find great exhibits, interactive displays, an IMAX theatre and more. A great activity for families!
Head over to Exploring Space exhibit & grab the controls of the Mars Flyover featuring a one of a kind simulation using real NASA imagery letting you experience flight through space & landing on Mars. En savoir plus
Museum is FANTASTIC! But, if you park in the garage, it closes soon after the museum - so double check the hours with the attendant. We went out for dinner after and was almost locked in!
Check out the Hartford Marriott site for a promotion. We stayed for $139 overnight which gave us the room, 2 adult, 2 children tickets to the Science Center plus breakfast in the AM
Avoid parking on Grove street - or probably anywhere on the street - my friends had their car broken into. There's a huge Science Center garage. Use it.