Top architecture.Tip to avoid waiting: take ticket (pass a) from shop at the back of cathedral ,check the rooftop and come back again at 19:30(half an hour its enough to discover the inside).😉🇬🇷
Amazing place. Huge scale. Take advantage of the all in one ticket and visit the archeology (near the door) and roof (outside on the right hand side). All are great.
The inside is nice but the real fun is going up top. Buy a stairs ticket beforehand, skip the line, and explore the roof. I pretended to be a gargoyle which amused / worried the other visitors.
La segunda catedral gótica más grande del mundo. Cada detalle impresiona, vitreauxs únicos. Vale la pena subir, caminar por sus tejados, ver de cerca las gárgolas, figuras y vista a la ciudad
Mutlaka katedrali görün, akşam yemeginizi Brera'da gecirin. Gece sokaklara cikip delice icenlere katilin. Heleki yilbasi gidiyorsaniz sizi cok tatmin etmeyecek olan yilbasi etkinligini kacirmayin:)
Quarta maior igreja da Europa, a Catedral de Milão é lindíssima, com sua arquitetura gótica. É uma pena que pra subir no teto seja tão problemático, mas dentro e fora da estrutura é muito bacana.
в соборе впечатлсяющие только витражи. в остальном-довольно мрачное место с кучей мумифицированных святых. на крышу подняться - обязательно! виды восхитительные. не пожалейте 7 или 12 евро)
Daquelas que você pode esbarrar 10 mil vezes e 10 mil vezes vai te deixar de queixo caído. Não deixe de entrar e experimentar a sensação maravilhosa que é se sentir pequeno dentro dela ;)
You can buy tickets online ( without having to specify a time/date. Go straight to the 'groups' window to pick them up. Great option if you want to be flexible with your visit.
Es uno de los lugares más importantes de la ciudad y eso merece una visita la entrada al Tesoro no merece la pena😟 sin embargo en la visita a la terraza panorámica resulta espectacular👏👏👏
Quando un artista voleva lavorare per il #DuomodiMilano,doveva presentare un modello per dimostrare la sua abilità, potete vedere queste prove all'interno del Museo del Duomo! #Milano
Não deixe de conhecer dentro da catedral a impressionante imagem de São Bartolomeu. Em seu martírio, rancaram toda a pele de seu corpo. Nesta imagem ele a usa como um manto. Detalhes impactantes!
La Catedral de Milán, más conocida como Duomo, es una enorme catedral gótica que se encuentra emplazada en el corazón de la ciudad. Es la visita turística más importante de Milán.
Wahrzeichen der Stadt! Unbedingt die Dachterrasse besichtigen (zu Fuß etwas günstiger als mit Fahrstuhl). Von dort hat man eine herrliche Aussicht auf die Stadt.
Una bella iniziativa per finanziare i restauri delle guglie del Duomo, l'esposizione delle chiocciole blu di Cracking Art Group sulla terrazza. In ogni caso la vista di Milano dall'alto è imperdibile!
Wow! If you are in Milano and don't see the Duomo you are crazy ;) 2E and you can take photos inside for personal use. Wear suitable clothes. Chest must be covered and dresses over knee. No shorts
Its mentioned everywhere (on ticket and in guidebooks) that you cannot wear shorts but we saw a lot of men wearing shorts with their knees visible. On a hot day we came fully dressed. Not necessary!
Truly a great experience. Reaching the top is a MUST. Its Great, amazing view and architecture. Pre book tickets or use the auto machines in the ticket area.
Absolutely stunning architecture. The immense amount of detail that went into this place is astounding. 2 euros for basic access and the price goes up for there. A must visit.
Главная достопримечательностьгорода. Отличный вид открывается с крышисобора. Нужно выстоять большую очередь, что бы купить билеты, потому лучше покупать в и-нете и получить их на кассе.
The most beautiful building. Can never take enough photos of this amazing place. If you can take the lift up to the roof and have a walk around . The view is spectacular
Impresionante e imponente catedral por fuera. Por dentro lo que más me impresionó fueron sus columnas. Visita obligada. Deben entrar con hombros cubiertos y falda o short hasta las rodillas
Обязательное место для посещения в Милане. Берите полный билет во все зоны (12€ или 16€). Подниматься на крышу не так высоко, так что смело можно брать вариант с лестницей.
Incredible views from the terraces, both of the city and the building itself. Walking up is very easy, and it's a good idea to buy a ticket in advance if planning on going at the weekends!
قلب ميلانو النابض،وسميت بهذا الاسم نسبة الى كاتدرائية الدومو، وهي ملتقى السياح في المدينة وتتواجد المتاحف وتقع في المنطقة التاريخية في ميلان كما يوجد فيها أفضل المقاهي والمطاعم.
Grand architecture and fabulous facade. Most awesome part is to be able to reach the roof of the cathedral and enjoy the city views on a sunny day! Absolute must!
The church was built to hold 40,000 worshippers—the entire population of Milan when construction began and is the third-largest church in Europe (after St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome and Sevilla).
A must! Visit the rooftop and touch the beauty of its architectural details up close! Get your tickets online before you go. That way, you will not have to wait in line to enter.
Uno de Los templos más bellos que he visto en mi vida. Que hermosa arquitectura/ One of the most beautiful temples over the world. Amazing architecture.
The Duomo of Milan is an amazing sight. It's the third largest church in Christendom. To appreciate this beautiful cathedral in all its glory, take the lift to the roof!View of the Alps on a clear day
You feel the presens here. Magic. Very peaceful inside - could spend hours here. The roof top view is great on a sunny day:-) Magnificent building; both interior and exterior.
Il Duomo di Milano, monumento simbolo del capoluogo lombardo, è dedicato a Santa Maria Nascente ed è situato nell'omonima piazza nel centro della città.