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Suggestions pour Zoo à proximité de San José

Filtres :
    • 8.6
      1300 Senter Rd (at Story Rd), San José
      • Princess Susannah G.

        Princess Susannah G. • Janvier 24, 2012Special Collection of exotic animals including Lemurs and Capybara, LEED certified, puppet shows, rides, and days of fun for all ages in this historic park and zoo.

    • 8.8
      647 S King Rd (S King and 680), San José
      • Kristi C.

        Kristi C. • Avril 23, 2014Great for kids. They have a lot of farm animals and open space for games, kite flying and picnic lunches. Free parking and entrance.

    • 8.1
      Centre commercial
      2855 Stevens Creek Blvd (at Baywood Ave), Santa Clara
      • Nahid

        Nahid • Juillet 9, 2014Great food court, lots of high end brands and middle range brands. Across from Santana Row, which adds a good addition of stores and restaurants.

    • ?
      Boulangerie$$$$Afficher le menu
      163A Meridian Ave, San José
      • Étoile 1 élément du menu contient «  zoos »
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