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Suggestions pour Terrain de golf à proximité de Piedmont Park, Atlanta

Filtres :
    • 8.8
      Terrain de golf
      1215 Piedmont Ave NE, Atlanta
      • CAYRUM

        CAYRUM • Mars 5, 2012Try Cayrum, its a dark rum aged 3 years and then infused with all natural ginger and honey. Its great as a chilled shot, on the rocks, ginger ale/beer, juices or Red Bull. Theres nothing like it!

    • 8.0
      Terrain de golf
      196 Montgomery Ferry Dr NE, Atlanta
      • Geoff G.

        Geoff G. • Août 5, 2012Get the loaded breakfast omelet in the Ansley Room. It is the best in town.

    • 7.6
      Mini golf
      675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Atlanta
      • Daniel H.

        Daniel H. • Avril 8, 2016Love this side of town. It's also known as the old fourth ward. A lot of renovations and a good place to have lunch.

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