Jessie Simms

Jessie Simms

Denver Native, born & raised. Live music, tasty bites, & good wine are what I live for. You can find me out exploring all the new places the city has to offer.

Denver, CO
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Les meilleures villes d'après Jessie
1 Liste créée · 13 Conseils
1 Liste créée · 1 Conseil 
1 Liste créée · 1 Conseil 
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Jessie Simms
17 lieux mis à jour Décembre 3, 2019
17 lieux y compris Coors Field, Bigsby's Folly, Terminal Bar, Punch Bowl Social
Jessie Simms
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Jessie Simms
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    Conseils récents de Jessie
    "For all my other winos out there, you must stop by Bigsby's Folly. This wine bar has industrial vibes, contemporary bites, and of course some of the best wine you can find in Denver."
    Jessie SimmsJessie Simms · Décembre 3, 2019
    Bar à vins
    · Denver, États-Unis
    "This is a perfect casual hangout with delicious ciders. The variety is great but many of the ciders have notes of wine. Defintily try the Rose apple cider! For something unique & different stop on by."
    Jessie SimmsJessie Simms · Août 27, 2019
    · Denver, États-Unis
    "Denver Beer Co is a cute brewery with an amazing patio. Princess Yum-Yum is the best light & fruity beer. Be sure to grab a flight of tasters so you can taste all of them!"
    Jessie SimmsJessie Simms · Août 27, 2019
    · Denver, États-Unis
    "There's a good reason why this place always has a line. If you like unique & fun doughnut this is the place. If you like chocolate be sure to try the 'dirt' doughnut. Pro-tip, bring cash!"
    Jessie SimmsJessie Simms · Août 26, 2019
    · Denver, États-Unis
    "If you have a sweet tooth this is a must! The best desserts created by Chef Keegan Gerhard. They have their staples like Cake and Shake (the best) but also have an ever-rotating seasonal sweets."
    Jessie SimmsJessie Simms · Août 26, 2019
    · Denver, États-Unis
    "So many microbrews on tap and creative cocktails. With a central location it's perfect for a pre or post actuvity drink. Upscale space that inspires connecting and hanging out."
    Jessie SimmsJessie Simms · Août 23, 2019
    · Denver, États-Unis