Capital Bites liked the wood-grilled tiger prawns. She says, "the “dressing” was good enough to ask for extra bread to absorb the remaining juices on the plate." En savoir plus .
Bet Mishpachah’s Hanukkah Erev Shabbat service Fri. 8-9:15pm led by Allan Armus. Attendees should bring a menorah and candles En savoir plus .
WP's fine-dining resto's a 24th-floor, panoramic-windowed ode to Asian cuisine, featuring deliciousness like the spicy schezuan chile/ fried garlic/ Calamansi lime/ black bean dust "Angry Lobster." En savoir plus .
Stacy Viera says the tres ceviches are possibly the best dishes on the menu here. "The salmon and orange ceviche was fruity and fresh, with a texture of partially cooked sashimi." En savoir plus .
A frequent stop for D.C.'s food trucks. See if they're coming today on Food Truck Fiesta's map. En savoir plus .
Check in after 9pm on Thursday or Fridays. This semi-private revolutionary war themed bar is open to the public for happy hour (6-9p) but they’ll kick you out all other times if you're not on the list En savoir plus .
The Moonshine Iced teas at this spot's mixed with your choice of booze (from gin to rye), simple syrup, and ice with dabs of their homemade "tinctures" made of aged spices/berries/etc and moonshine. En savoir plus .
This Capitol-side eatery's got crushed-ice "Sno Cone" summer 'tails like the the cachaca/pineapple/spearmint/smoked black salt "Rehoboth" (beaches love it!). En savoir plus .