Lieux sauvegardés par Laser
Erik B & Rakim's Studio is one of Lieux sauvegardés par Laser.

1. Erik B & Rakim's Studio

Brooklyn, NY
Bar karaoké · Williamsburg · 1 conseil

Laser B.Laser Burners: This is where you come to RAP.

rag & bone is one of Lieux sauvegardés par Laser.

2. rag & bone

73 E Houston St (Elizabeth), New York, NY
Magasin de vêtements · NoLita · 11 conseils et avis

Laser B.Laser Burners: Fuck you, rag & bone, for your visually-polluting illegal paste-up advertisement campaign. You suck!

Hurricanepocalypse 2011 is one of Lieux sauvegardés par Laser.

3. Hurricanepocalypse 2011

New York, NY
Autres grands espaces · Tribeca · 519 conseils et avis

Hrag V.Hrag Vartanian: I suggest you made a cocktail and ride this out.

Starfield COEX Mall is one of Lieux sauvegardés par Laser.

4. Starfield COEX Mall

(스타필드 코엑스몰)
강남구 영동대로 513, Séoul, 서울특별시
Centre commercial · 삼성1동 · 112 conseils et avis

ChiamChiam: Great smoking area! Good People watching.

Thistle Hill Tavern is one of Lieux sauvegardés par Laser.

5. Thistle Hill Tavern

441 7th Ave. (at 15th St.), Brooklyn, NY
Gastro-pub · South Slope · 125 conseils et avis

heather m.heather macLeish: Really cheap bottles of bubbly!!!

Tandem is one of Lieux sauvegardés par Laser.

6. Tandem

236 Troutman St (btwn Knickerbocker & Wilson Ave), Brooklyn, NY
Bar · Bushwick · 94 conseils et avis

Vijay S.Vijay Sudan: Order a mexican wedding shot and have your idea of tequila shots changed forever.

The Levee is one of Lieux sauvegardés par Laser.

7. The Levee

212 Berry St (at N 3rd St), Brooklyn, NY
Rade · Williamsburg · 210 conseils et avis

Sam H.Sam Horine: get the cheese balls and pop them into your mouth one at a time, slowly savoring their cheesy deliciousness.