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LGBT Vilnius

LGBT Vilnius


LGBT Friendly Vilnius - spontaniška iniciatyva paversti Vilnių draugiškesne vieta LGBT | Spontaneous social cause aimed to make Vilnius a better place.

Vilnius, Lithuania
  • 41 conseils
  • 57 abonnés
  • 0 abonnements
  • 4 Listes
Listes de LGBT Vilnius pour Toutes les villes
  • Vilnius
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après LGBT Vilnius
2 Listes créées · 38 Conseils
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LGBT Vilnius ne s'est abonné(e) à personne pour le moment.
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LGBT Vilnius
23 lieux mis à jour Décembre 30, 2014
Born out of a spontaneous idea aiming to make Vilnius a better place! All are welcome to get our door sticker and join the online listing for free.
LGBT Vilnius
23 lieux mis à jour Décembre 30, 2014
Spontaniška iniciatyva paversti Vilnių draugiškesne vieta LGBT. Jau užklijavome "LGBT draugiškas" lipdukus keletoje jaukiausių Vilniaus vietų, siekdami padrąsinti LGBT užsukti ir nebijoti savęs.
LGBT Vilnius
0 lieux mis à jour
0 lieu
LGBT Vilnius
17 lieux mis à jour
17 lieux y compris Cozy, ŠMC kavinė, Café de Paris, Bistro 18
    "The city guests can socialize with locals in the hip Jamaika Bar on the ground floor of the hostel. Great whisky, tequila and freshly baked pizza is waiting for you."
    LGBT VilniusLGBT Vilnius · Décembre 30, 2014
    · Vilnius, Lituanie
    "Authentic mexican cuisine, drinks, and a warm, friendly atmosphere. On weekend nights, the place transforms and attracts a hip crowd, ready for electronic music parties until the next morning."
    LGBT VilniusLGBT Vilnius · Décembre 30, 2014
    · Vilnius, Lituanie
    "It's your chance to spend your night with local gay celebrities, the sexiest boys and the wildest girls, the stylish hipsters and their best friends."
    LGBT VilniusLGBT Vilnius · Décembre 30, 2014
    Bar gay
    · Vilnius, Lituanie
    "Starts spinning an hour before the first cinema session and keeps orbiting every day of the week. Astronaut baristas will prepare you an aromatic cup of coffee and also discuss the film you just saw."
    LGBT VilniusLGBT Vilnius · Décembre 30, 2014
    · Vilnius, Lituanie
    "A democratic and modern place, one of the newest additions to the ever-busy Islandijos street. Perfected European cuisine, excellent drinks and a cosy interior will serve everyone’s taste and needs."
    LGBT VilniusLGBT Vilnius · Décembre 30, 2014
    · Vilnius, Lituanie
    "A good place to stop by when you’re in the mood for something exotic but you’re not sure whether it should be Thai, Japanese or Himalayan."
    LGBT VilniusLGBT Vilnius · Décembre 30, 2014
    · Vilnius, Lituanie