Nova Southeastern University (NSU) is a private not-for-profit university in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Follow us, unlock specials & contribute your favorite tips!
Fort Lauderdale, FL
19 conseils
305 abonnés
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Fort Lauderdale
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Fort Lauderdale
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"Miniaci is the place to be tonight if you have tickets to see Anthony Bourdain, host of the Travel Channel's Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations. Check-in to show your friends you're attending!"
"Start here to meet with an undergraduate admissions counselor. They can answer all of your questions. You can then take a guided golf cart driven tour of NSU's beautiful campus with a student."
"Freshmen at NSU live in the the Goodwin Residence Hall. The residence hall features a TVlounge, and each room has a bathroom, large closet space and high ceilings. Welcome home!"