Kauai's Most Memorable
Koloa Deli is one of Kauai's Most Memorable.

1. Koloa Deli

Kōloa, HI
Épicerie fine · 5 conseils et avis

RyanRyan: Try the classic. Like artichokes and peperoncinis? If so, go for the Godfather!

2. Red Salt

2251 Poipu Rd, Kōloa, HI
Restaurant de fruits de mer · 51 conseils et avis

RyanRyan: Enjoy what is arguably the best breakfast on Kauai whether you are staying here or not. Closed for lunch. Dinner is also fantastic.

3. Hanalei Dolphin Restaurant

5-5016 Kuhio Hwy, Hanalei, HI
Restaurant de fruits de mer · 109 conseils et avis

Reserve123.comReserve123.com: This is the best sushi in Kauai. Ask Jeff B. at the sushi bar to hook you up.

4. Marriott's Waiohai Beach Club

2249 Poipu Road, Marriott Vacation Club, Kōloa, HI
Hôtel · 19 conseils et avis

Reserve123.comReserve123.com: Need space on Poipu Beach? This property gives you that for far less than a nearby hotel. The beach is ideal!

5. Puka Dog

2360 Kiahuna Plantation Dr (Poipu Shopping Village), Kōloa, HI
Stand de hot-dogs · 111 conseils et avis

RyanRyan: Try the spicy sauce and one of their specialty relishes. Cash only.

6. Hamura Saimin

2956 Kress St, Lihue, HI
Restaurant de nouilles · 85 conseils et avis

Reserve123.comReserve123.com: Eat like a local.

7. Josselin's Tapas Bar & Grill

2829 Ala Kalani Kaumaka St, Kōloa, HI
Bar à tapas · 54 conseils et avis

RyanRyan: Try a variety of plates and share with friends/family. The presentation on the deconstructed ahi roll was amazing!!! I had never had a dish served with dry ice for effect until here.

The Princeville Resort is one of Kauai's Most Memorable.

8. The Princeville Resort

5520 Ka Haku Rd, Comté de Kauai, HI
Complexe hôtelier · Princeville · 69 conseils et avis
Red Dirt Falls is one of Kauai's Most Memorable.

9. Red Dirt Falls

Waimea, HI
Cascade · 3 conseils et avis
Waimea Canyon Lookout is one of Kauai's Most Memorable.

10. Waimea Canyon Lookout

Waimea Canyon, Waimea, HI
Belvédère / Panorama · 57 conseils et avis
Hanalei Beach is one of Kauai's Most Memorable.

11. Hanalei Beach

Weke Rd, Hanalei, HI
Plage · 44 conseils et avis

12. Uncle's Shave Ice & Smoothies

2829 Ala Kalani Kaumaka St, Kōloa, HI
Marchand de glaces · 33 conseils et avis

RyanRyan: Go for POG. Passion Fruit (lilokoi), Orange, and Guava.

Toi's Thai Kitchen is one of Kauai's Most Memorable.

13. Toi's Thai Kitchen

4469 Waialo Road, ‘Ele‘ele, HI
Restaurant thaïlandais · 1 conseil