Ellen's Favorite Places
The Ellen DeGeneres Show is one of Ellen's Favorite Places.

1. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

4301 W Olive Ave. (at Hood Ave.), Burbank, CA
Salle de spectacle · 336 conseils et avis

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: If you’re in the neighborhood I would love to see you in my audience! Request tickets at www.EllenTV.com and come dance with us. En savoir plus .

Whole Foods Market is one of Ellen's Favorite Places.

2. Whole Foods Market

1550 N Kingsbury St (at W Weed St), Chicago, IL
Épicerie · 245 conseils et avis

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: You can find my line of Halo Pet Foods here. They’re healthy, nutritious and delicious! Whole Foods also has amazing fresh produce and vegan options.

Petco is one of Ellen's Favorite Places.

3. Petco

12800 Ventura Blvd, Studio City, CA
Magasin d'articles pour animaux de compagnie · 45 conseils et avis

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: If you love your animals as much as I do, you should try my pet food and care line, Halo. It’s completely natural and healthy for your pets! Get it here.

Real Food Daily is one of Ellen's Favorite Places.

4. Real Food Daily

414 N La Cienega Blvd (at Oakwood), West Hollywood, CA
Restaurant végétaliens et végétariens · 95 conseils et avis

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: I like this restaurant because I try to eat only real food, and I like to eat it daily. RFD is a staple for any vegan foodie in L.A.

The Gentle Barn is one of Ellen's Favorite Places.

5. The Gentle Barn

15825 Sierra Hwy, Santa Clarita, CA
Refuge pour animaux · Newhall · 40 conseils et avis

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: The Gentle Barn is an incredible place, and it’s very important to Portia and me. We’re so glad you dropped by! Say hi to our adopted cows, Holy and Madonna!

Farm Sanctuary is one of Ellen's Favorite Places.

6. Farm Sanctuary

3150 Aikens Rd, Watkins Glen, NY
Ferme · 21 conseils et avis

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: Farm Sanctuary does incredible things for animals. I’m so glad you checked them out. Or maybe you work there -- in which case, thank you. Keep doing what you do!

Sweet Lady Jane is one of Ellen's Favorite Places.

7. Sweet Lady Jane

8360 Melrose Ave (btwn N Kings Rd & N Orlando Ave), Los Angeles, CA
Boulangerie · Mid-City West · 89 conseils et avis

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: This is where I get one of my favorite desserts -- Vegan Red Velvet Cake! Make sure you try some. It’s delicious.

Fred Segal is one of Ellen's Favorite Places.

8. Fred Segal

500 Broadway (5th St.), Santa Monica, CA
Magasin de vêtements · Downtown Santa Monica · 57 conseils et avis

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: If you're looking for good shopping in L.A., this is it! If you're looking for Fred Seagull, this isn't it. He lives down by the pier.

Sprinkles Beverly Hills Cupcakes is one of Ellen's Favorite Places.

9. Sprinkles Beverly Hills Cupcakes

9635 South Santa Monica Boulevard (btwn Bedford & Camden Dr), Beverly Hills, CA
Magasin de cupcake · 176 conseils et avis

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: Nothing makes a great day better than a Sprinkles Vegan Red Velvet cupcake. It's also great if you're having a bad day. What I'm saying is: you should have one today.

Cafe Gratitude is one of Ellen's Favorite Places.

10. Cafe Gratitude

639 N Larchmont Blvd (at Melrose Ave), Los Angeles, CA
Restaurant végétaliens et végétariens · Larchmont · 166 conseils et avis

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: Café Gratitude has great vegan food. You can have the "I am Grateful," the "I am Extraordinary," or the "will.i.am." They don't have that last one. But if they did it'd be a bowl of black eyed peas.

Free City is one of Ellen's Favorite Places.

11. Free City

1139 N Highland Ave (Romaine), Los Angeles, CA
Magasin de vêtements · Central Hollywood · 16 conseils et avis

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: If you’re at Free City, then clearly you are already in the know. Add the fact that you’re on Foursquare and you might be the coolest person in L.A.

A.P.C. is one of Ellen's Favorite Places.

12. A.P.C.

619 N Croft Ave, West Hollywood, CA
Magasin de vêtements · 15 conseils et avis

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: It can be hard to find a good jean these days, and I found one here. I also met Jeanne Tripplehorn, so it's safe to say this is a great place for jeans.

Barneys New York is one of Ellen's Favorite Places.

13. Barneys New York

660 Madison Ave (btwn E 60th & E 61st St), New York, NY
Grand magasin · Upper East Side · 221 conseils et avis

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: Barneys is one of the best places to pick up clothes in NYC. I'm always telling people, "I got it at Barneys!" I should really start shopping here.

Whole Foods Market is one of Ellen's Favorite Places.

14. Whole Foods Market

6701 SW 57th Ave (at Madruga & Venera Ave), South Miami, FL
Épicerie · 81 conseils et avis

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: I feed my pets Halo Purely For Pets Products and so should you! You can pick some up here.

ASPCA Adoption Center is one of Ellen's Favorite Places.

15. ASPCA Adoption Center

424 E 92nd St (btwn 1st & York Avenues), New York, NY
Refuge pour animaux · Yorkville · 32 conseils et avis

Ellen DeGeneresEllen DeGeneres: Go rescue an animal! Or if you're not ready, just go hold one of the kitties and let it look into your eyes and snuggle up to you and purr. Then put it in it's crate and walk away. Go on. I dare ya.