Created by David Vávra Updated On: Août 27, 2017
Are you staying just one day in Prague or wondering what to see first? Follow famous "Royal Way" which is a nice walk and contains most major sights. The list contains start & finish metro stations.
Michael Starsman: Kind of synonymous with Prague's tourism industry, I consider the Jewish Cemetery a must-see. It's quite expensive unless you have an open card, so I advise busting it out for a hefty discount.
Zlatá ulička u Daliborky, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Route · Hradčany · 105 conseils et avis If you're visiting the Prague castle complex, you must not miss this interesting and historic street. These small houses were made for castle guards, and writer Franz Kafka also lived here in 1916.
III. nádvoří 48/2 (Vikářská), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Église · Hradčany · 273 conseils et avis This beautiful Roman Catholic cathedral within the Prague Castle is a must-see. Aside from the amazing rose window and towering spires, also don't miss the Crown Chamber and the Royal Crypt. A visit to Prague won't be complete without making a stop to this castle, the largest in the world. Aside from looking at the amazing detail, don't miss the changing of the guard happening every hour.