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Wellcome Collection

Wellcome Collection

Musée des sciences et Salle polyvalente
Bloomsbury, Londres
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    Les experts de Time Out London et Londonist recommandent cet endroit
    • Time Out London
    • Londonist
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    Julien L.
    "... pour prendre un thé et wifi gratuit pour 20 minutes."(2 conseils)
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  • Julien L.
    Julien LouëtAoût 25, 2014
    Expositions gratuites au premier étage, bar sympa pour prendre un thé et wifi gratuit pour 20 minutes.
  • Martin F.
    Martin FennerFévrier 8, 2012
    Museum, bookstore, café and free wifi.
  • Andres S.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Andres SchondubeJuillet 26, 2016
    One of my favorite galleries in London, it's well designed and made for you to interact with it. The permanent exhibition has curious objects that can be appreciated by anyone.
  • Kimberley S.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Kimberley Scott-matthewsNovembre 22, 2015
    The reading room is great for families or if you're looking for a cosy place to chill on your own. Great comfy corners to read a book or work on your laptop and lots of interesting things to look at.
  • Time Out London
    Time Out LondonMars 27, 2012
    This swanky little museum houses a fascinating and often grisly medical collection. The galleries are open till 10pm on Thursday evenings, often accompanied by talks. En savoir plus
  • Marie S.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Marie S.Octobre 15, 2014
    A visité ce lieu plus de 5 fois
    "Wellcome" is name of the founder. If you're expecting a "welcome to London" kind of deal, you're in the wrong museum :) But they have nice small exhibitions (free!) and a lovely cafe & shop.
  • Jack D.
    Jack DaleJanvier 2, 2016
    This should be on everyone's list of places to see in London. The Tibetan Buddhism exhibition was profound and the exhibitions on Consciousness featuring in 2016 are gonna be incredible!
  • Melankolina
    MelankolinaJuillet 15, 2017
    Interesting collection on human anatomy (though seems to be directed more for kids). The reading room is great, interesting organised events and talks there. Check changing exhibitions.
  • Jack J.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Jack JenkinsJuillet 12, 2015
    Free entry and always worth checking out if you have a spare hour or so, as the exhibits are always well made and changing regularly
  • Bijan Y.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Bijan YoungJuin 13, 2015
    Great museum and well thought out exhibitions. Forensics is really good. Good cafe and and great diversion from the grey of Euston.
  • Giacomo M.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Giacomo MasonSeptembre 11, 2017
    The best destination for the curious in London. Exhibitions are very well curated and compelling, events and workshops are offered year round.
  • Michelle W.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Michelle WilesAoût 1, 2021
    Cool exhibits, don’t sleep on the medicine man main one either
  • Browhaus
    BrowhausAvril 26, 2012
    The Wellcome is known for curating art around interesting (and morbid) topics. The collections are small, unique, and very creative. In addition to free admission, the building also has free wi-fi.
  • Kieran T.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Kieran TurnerDécembre 2, 2019
    Beware the cloakroom attendant who will be very strict about your bag size (and who over-rules the size marker & makes his own judgement). Otherwise, a fascinating place!
  • Thomas D.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Thomas DefiseNovembre 22, 2019
    I would highly recommend to plan 1 hour to visit the Medecin Man room which has a variety of wonderful piece to see
  • Iz C.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Iz ChangDécembre 16, 2015
    Free admission and always a great exhibit going on. Sexology earlier this year. Immersive art (foggy room) right now. Not your usual museum.
  • Marta!Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Marta!Avril 4, 2013
    Great Coffe! Tasty Lunch! Free wifi available during 30minutes (then you have to log in again). Nice place for reading, even working little bit :)
  • Jessica A.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Jessica AnsaldiOctobre 4, 2016
    The new Bedlam exhibition is great interesting mix of old and new. Must see!
  • Time Out London
    Time Out LondonFévrier 23, 2012
    Founder Sir Henry Wellcome, a pioneering 19th-century pharmacist and entrepreneur, amassed a vast and idiosyncratic collection of implements and curios relating to the medical trade. En savoir plus
  • Arthas C.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Arthas ChuSeptembre 10, 2014
    An absolute pearl in the heart of London. A collection formed partly by you, the visitor. An amazing soul searching exhibition.
  • Anna S.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Anna SzypkowskaFévrier 17, 2018
    Great reading rooms and amazing café where you can stop for coffee after visiting exhibitions
  • O S.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    O SMai 28, 2015
    Loved it. Small but definitely worth seeing. At the moment there's an exhibition on Forensics and Sexology - interesting stuff
  • élise G.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    élise GilbertFévrier 28, 2015
    Great collection of all things medical related. The exhibitions (free) are well-presented, out of the ordinary and very interesting.
  • Vic M.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Vic McGinJanvier 31, 2016
    Wonderful, just wonderful. You will learn with every visit, and it's free.
  • Tara S.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Tara ShannonJanvier 22, 2017
    Free, interesting items, really fun to browse through. Reading room and cafe amazing too!
  • Jon C.
    Jon ChooFévrier 19, 2015
    Love the new Wilkinson Eyre's spiral staircase.
  • AliceIcône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    AliceAoût 3, 2015
    One of my favourite places. Free exhibitions, a lovely cafe and shop and an interesting library
  • Clark G.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Clark GilliesNovembre 13, 2016
    Fantastic free museum. Little unusual with modern art exhibitions. Really nice cafe area
  • Sacha A.
    Sacha ArozarenaNovembre 26, 2013
    Don't miss Francis Crick's hand-drawn pencil sketch of the human genome DNA strand, created in 1953 - the first vision of a jigsaw piece that would connect humanity forever.
  • Vanessa R.
    Vanessa RuedaAoût 14, 2017
    beautiful curation and exhibitions. The permanent one is just exquisitely edited. Cool store!
  • Katy Z.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Katy ZackFévrier 3, 2017
    Super interesting spot to see all ok finds of curios, including a lock of arsenic-soaked hair from King George, Napoleon's toothbrush and crazy medical tools
  • Christopher D.
    Christopher DoyleMars 14, 2015
    Got an hour or two to while away? Take advantage of the free admission, free cloakroom and small, well curated exhibits.
  • Carol B.
    Carol BridgeAoût 22, 2012
    Gift shop - great selection of all sorts of science based books, as well as some nice photobooks and classic novels, ideal when you need something for Dad
  • Jeff L.
    Jeff LJuin 6, 2016
    Museu interativo e legal de visitar. A loja no térreo tem muita coisa interessante pra quem curte ciências como um todo..
  • TarahIcône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    TarahDécembre 22, 2017
    Lots of interesting exhibits and a funky library worth checking out.
  • Chris P.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Chris PhillipsSeptembre 20, 2016
    Fascinating exhibitions, and a decent bookshop focused on science and medicine. Free entry!
  • London Symphony Orchestra
    London Symphony OrchestraSeptembre 16, 2011
    The collected curios of Sir Henry Wellcome include death masks, fertility dolls, shrunken heads and chastity belts. Makes for a fascinating afternoon!
  • Alex B.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Alex BurtonJanvier 25, 2016
    A visité ce lieu plus de 10 fois
    Free exhibitions, awesome shop, nice cafe (also check out the new Reading Room part of the library)
  • Londonist
    LondonistOctobre 16, 2011
    A visité ce lieu plus de 10 fois
    Everyone who works here (and we've met quite a few) is a genius. That's why it's such a consistently good venue.
  • Alex G.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Alex GibsonOctobre 14, 2018
    Lovely place to relax. The 'Living With Buildings' exhibition is excellent and runs until March 2019
  • Ana G.
    Ana GrigoroviciSeptembre 2, 2012
    They always have great books in the shop and there is a lovely upside down sculpture on the ceiling. Nice atmosphere. Good cake.
  • Vangelis M.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Vangelis MoraitisAoût 10, 2016
    Excellent choice to have breakfast or brunch. Very interesting shop
  • Bijan Y.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Bijan YoungJuin 13, 2015
    Great exhibitions...forensics currently. Good cafe. One of the few highlights at Euston.
  • Frances J.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Frances JosephDécembre 3, 2014
    A fun, buzzy, clever place to hang out and have lunch, or visit the latest exhibition.
  • Chris R.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Chris R (thechristophe)Novembre 13, 2018
    Occasional interesting exhibitions, can be quite self indulgent rather than informative, at times.
  • KIcône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    KJanvier 4, 2018
    They often have well curated, free exhibitions. Late nights on Thursdays.
  • Polly W.
    Polly WnzJanvier 9, 2012
    Free exhibitions and a great gift shop - the books will always inspire.
  • Tim D.
    Tim DiffordMai 16, 2011
    Free wifi, decent food/coffee, interesting exhibits and a nice place to meet up for anyone using Euston, St Pancras or Kings Cross stations. (via Scoville) En savoir plus
  • Jenny L.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Jenny LawSeptembre 4, 2015
    It's a really interesting place to learn more about science and our body. Come here it's free!
  • William C.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    William CostaOctobre 25, 2015
    Very well laid out exhibition rooms and good variety of artists.
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