Aaron Rip

Aaron Rip

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Listes de Aaron pour Toutes les villes
  • Dnipropetrovsk
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Les meilleures villes d'après Aaron
1 Liste créée · 4 Conseils
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Aaron Rip
1 lieux mis à jour Septembre 11, 2017
Best places for English speakers
Aaron Rip
0 lieux mis à jour
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Aaron Rip
2 lieux mis à jour
2 lieux y compris Buoni Fratelli
    "Cool island with many activities for family and kids. Food and fun. iPhone map does not show enough, much to do there."
    Aaron RipAaron Rip · Septembre 11, 2017
    "The coolest thing I have ever seen. Too many lawyers in USA to have this there. A huge rope obstical course in the trees. Secured by a safety line and harness so you won't fall. Employees supervise"
    Aaron RipAaron Rip · Septembre 11, 2017
    · Дніпро, Ukraine
    "Very interesting Museum. It is all written in Ukraine and I did not hear anyone speaking English, but there is much to see to make it worth the visit. Plan on 1 hour + to see everything or2 visits."
    Aaron RipAaron Rip · Septembre 11, 2017
    "Excellant food. I have eaten there twice and will return. Pizza to go seems very popular also. Some of the waitstaff speak English as well, some of the menu is in English also."
    Aaron RipAaron Rip · Septembre 11, 2017
    · Дніпро, Ukraine