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Suggestions pour Restaurant latino-américain à proximité de Clifton, Louisville

Filtres :
    • 8.4
      Latino-américaine$$$$Afficher le menu
      813 E Market St, Louisville
      • Metromix L.

        Metromix L. • Mars 28, 2012A simple, elegant restaurant that focuses on one of the great cuisines of Latin America: Mayan-style food from the Mexican province of Oaxaca and from the Yucatan Peninsula.

    • 7.9
      Latino-américaine$$$$Afficher le menu
      1538 Bardstown Rd, Louisville
      • The Wall Street Journal

        The Wall Street Journal • Août 3, 2014In a town where steak and potatoes dominate, it's a refreshing change of pace to feast on chef Anthony Lamas's Latin-inspired cuisine. The seafood dishes are prepared with sharp, bold flavors.

    • Icône de catégorie
      401 E Main St, Louisville
    • ?
      Cuisine vénézuélienne
      721 E Market St, Louisville
      • M

        M • Août 12, 2021Empanadas operadas

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