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Suggestions pour Bar à vins à proximité de Dapperbuurt, Amsterdam

Filtres :
    • 7.6
      Bar à vins€€€€Afficher le menu
      Javastraat 67, Amsterdam
      • Florian W.

        Florian W. • Mars 31, 2017Great Italian beer, wines and lovely food to share. The place to hang out on a Sunny day in the Javastraat

    • 9.3

      2. 4850

      Bar à vins€€€€
      Camperstraat 48-50, Amsterdam
      • Wout L.

        Wout L. • Janvier 20, 2018Scandinavian style, service, atmosphere and taste! So amazing, possibly best wine bar in Amsterdam. Oh.. their coffee setup is legit too! ❤️😍

    • 7.9

      3. Clos

      Bar à vins
      Beukenplein 50, Amsterdam
      • Jose de Goede

        Jose de Goede • Mai 10, 2022The winetasting with the winestories was suprising good. Try the pedro ximenez sherry and you feel like you're in heaven.

    • 6.3
      Bar à vins€€€€
      Dapperstraat 10, Amsterdam
      • Bommy

        Bommy • Décembre 8, 2019Chill wine bar with natural wine. Tons of seating so take your pick. Pasta + house wine special at 19:00 for 12.50 euros.

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