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Suggestions pour Restaurant grec à proximité de Historic Edgefield, Nashville

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    • 9.1
      Grecque$$$$Afficher le menu
      704 Main St, Nashville
      • Jonathan Y.

        Jonathan Y. • Octobre 6, 2020Love this place! Salad with chicken is amazing and love the fries. Wasn’t as much a fan of the beef (ground and kofta-style) or the hummus (chunky, rather than smooth)... but everything is good!

    • 8.1

      2. Lyra

      935 W Eastland Ave (McFerrin Ave), Nashville
      • Dan H.

        Dan H. • Avril 16, 2021Amazing food, Brussels excellent, hummus and pitta fantastic and the chicken was so incredibly moist. Definitely worth a visit.

    • 8.5
      716 Gallatin Ave, Nashville
      • Eat It T.

        Eat It T. • Décembre 8, 2012New owners as of 10/1/12. Awesome friendly, very similar prices and menu. Food still good. Only had old owner once, hard to compare. Seasoned fries are a must!

    • Icône de catégorie
      969 Main St, Nashville
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