Scholastica T. • Mai 28, 2013Lebih komplit dibandingin Kuncit, outletnya jg lbh gede, baju dgn harga miringnya juga lbh banyaaak. Sering diskon. Hehehe..
King Z. • Février 15, 2014Nice cloth, reasonable price, and of course Japanese style!!
Ibu Widi • Novembre 21, 2018Like another Uniqlo shop, always live to come to Uniqlo.
OREO • Mars 10, 2018Suka Nasi rames cuss ksini syurganya sego bungkus lauk enak2 bersih terjangkau👍👍
Karen N. • Août 22, 2015Mau Baju Hijab cantik2 ini??? aku punya info nyaa lohh,ayoo yg mau usaha onlineshop nya terus meningkaaat!!!! Buruaaan PM kita yaaa, TRUSTED! NO TIPU2 ! MURAH! BERKUALITAS! ADD PIN: 57592C9D
ika ayu k. • Avril 12, 2015Complete options for your daily fashion needs. Try the food also, it's a yumm
Nicholas Y. • Janvier 8, 2015Moving out to Mall Kota Kasablanka L1#150.
Baby S. • Novembre 3, 2014One of my favorite boutique in Jakarta to find some branded jeans, specially True Religion Jeans! Is A-Must for me! 👖👌☺️👍
Anggun A. • Octobre 27, 2011Kalau naik Kopaja, bisa naik 605A (Blok M - Ragunan) Turun pertigaan Kober (kata @umenumen)
yis • Juillet 28, 2013When it sale we could found really nice stuff with best best price - 2 polo shirts for my son 👍
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