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Suggestions pour Bar à saké à proximité de Old Market, Omaha

Filtres :
    • 8.9
      Bar à saké$$$$Afficher le menu
      416 S 12th St (btwn Howard & Harney), Omaha
      • Kevin E.

        Kevin E. • Mars 28, 2010Love this place! Features rolls for the sushi beginner (Crunchy Blue, Cali Roll) to high end items for the vets (Tuna Tasting, Spanish Fly). Also has great grill menu if you're not into sushi.

    • 7.9
      Bar à saké$$$$
      416 S 12th St (btwn Howard & Harney), Omaha
      • Jeremy B.

        Jeremy B. • Janvier 10, 2015My favorite rolls crunchy blue (spicy crab is the highlight) and crunchy LA (fried avacado!)

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      Bar à saké$$$$
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