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Suggestions pour Restaurant himalayen à proximité de Seattle

Filtres :
    • 8.6
      Himalayen$$$$Afficher le menu
      1833 Broadway (at E Denny Way), Seattle
      • Sandra G.

        Sandra G. • Octobre 6, 2011The Lamb Kofta and the Palak Paneer are both very good. I have a hard time picking between them every visit. Best Indian Food on Capitol Hill.

    • 7.7
      202 SW 43rd St, Renton
      • Anna S.

        Anna S. • Juillet 13, 2016Small lunch buffet, but everything was delicious. The naan was tasty and warm when brought to the table. They kept the buffet area very clean.

    • 6.0
      Himalayen$$$$Afficher le menu
      94 Stewart St (1st Ave and Steward St), Seattle
      • Shahan F.

        Shahan F. • Octobre 9, 2013Checked out the lunch buffet, They had a nice selection of food (Vegg Dahl, pakoras, fish curry, chicken, soup, etc.). They have nice desserts - rice pudding, gulab jamun and mango ice cream.

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