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Suggestions pour Discothèque rock à proximité de Rose Hill, New York

Filtres :
    • 8.2
      Discothèque rock
      127 E 23rd St (btwn Park & Lexington Ave), New York
      • Alan-Arthur A.

        Alan-Arthur A. • Mars 24, 2017Great venue with seating and great floor space for dancing and pits. Also great area for bands to set up merch.

    • ?
      Discothèque rock
      37 east 28th street (Park Avenue), New York
    • ?
      Discothèque rock
      27 Union Sq W (15th St.), New York
    • 5.5
      Discothèque rockAfficher les prix
      251 W 30th St (btwn 7th & 8th Ave.), New York
      • Austin M.

        Austin M. • Mai 21, 2011Make sure you go in the right door. We went in to the office building and got lost for about 15 minutes. But the venue is pretty snazzy

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