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Suggestions pour Restaurant latino-américain à proximité de Sioux Falls

Filtres :
    • 9.0
      702 E. 8th Street (Nesmith Ave.), Sioux Falls
      • Cory M.

        Cory M. • Janvier 16, 2010anything here is great, authentic. Never had a bad meal here, but you have to try Polo en crema. Light, spicy and delicious. NOT a heavy, alfredo-ish cream sauce.

    • Icône de catégorie
      5701 S Bahnson Ave, Sioux Falls
    • ?
      1301 E Benson Rd, Sioux Falls
      • Dusty G.

        Dusty G. • Janvier 9, 2021If you’ve never experienced chimichurri, it may be your next favorite flavor! Being a new restaurant, they treated me to a “test plate” of sautéed bell peppers, onions, and asparagus. Wonderful.

    • 9.2
      Brésilienne$$$$Afficher le menu
      2401 S Carolyn Ave, Sioux Falls
      • Michelle B.

        Michelle B. • Mai 20, 2015The signature beef, flank steak and garlic beef are the bomb! Fantastic service and wonderful atmosphere. Worth every penny.

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