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Suggestions pour Restaurant scandinave à proximité de St. Anthony, Saint Paul

Filtres :
    • 8.1
      Scandinave$$$$Afficher le menu
      2264 Como Ave (at Carter Ave), Saint Paul
      • Sarah C.

        Sarah C. • Juillet 23, 2011A must have is the ham and cheese quiche!!

    • ?
      (Inside Heritage Square), Falcon Heights
      • Heavy Table

        Heavy Table • Août 23, 20132013: A twist on a classic: Bacon Cannoli. The bacon was crispy and not too chewy to easily eat, and the shell:filling:bacon ratios were harmonious. Two of our favorite things: innovative and tasty.

    • ?
      Falcon Heights
    • 3 résultats seulement ? Essaie...

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