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- One of the most popular night markets in Kaohsiung, but in recent years mostly only visited by tourists as the locals have moved to other night markets.
- Patrick GohAvril 22, 2017Just walk through short street with typical night market stalls...head for 阿好鹹粥, just 5 minutes walk away for excellent local Kaohsiung-nese dinner cum supper venue.
- 奕愷 陳Avril 22, 2018I've ever been there I think the one of stall "Sheng Yi Taiwanese Sausage with sticky rice"盛奕大腸包小腸 that's flavor was really well, and they have the master chef in there stall. I love this stall. 👍👍
- わに たけざわMai 12, 2018高雄で最も有名な夜市。地元の人や日本人リピーターの間では瑞豊夜市と人気を二分。高雄、台南など、台湾南部のグルメを幅広く楽しめます。The most popular Night market in Kaohsiung. You can enjoy various dishes and dessert of Southern Taiwan, Kaohsiung, Tainan.
- Robin ChenSeptembre 11, 2015Super touristy night market. I think the official name now is liouhe tourism night market. Lots of seafood and lots of stands selling the same thing.
- MaxmaxSeptembre 23, 2011Amazing!! Got to try their meat dumplings, black pepper pork buns, cheese potato buns, all sorts of grilled meat and desserts! Go with an empty stomach
- Tomoki SNovembre 10, 2018観光夜市なので、綺麗にまとまっていて楽しみやすいです。道は1本だけなので、往復すれば両サイドのお店が見られて便利。屋台の向こう側にはコンビニなどもあるので、飲み物などの調達も容易です。
- 블루씨Mars 6, 2018생각보다 크지 않고 대개 먹거리를 판다. 한국에 비하면 저렴하지만 대만 물가에 비해선 비싼 편. 사람이 너무 많고 흡연이 자유로워서 약간 불편한 점이 있다.
- EstherDécembre 16, 2014The famous 郑牌 papaya milk is here! A lot of seafood too, just make sure the price before you place an order.
- KaneJanvier 29, 2017Head to Ruifeng Night Market (瑞豐夜市) as Liouhe is now a tourist trap. Lots of vendors ripping off tourists
- Willy ArkhipovAoût 24, 2013Максимум удалось скинуть 200 местных тугриков с 700рублевого чая, 100 с каменной светящейся подвески! Неохотно торгуются:(
- 高雄で1番有名な夜市。夜になると海鮮料理を中心に美味しそうな店舗が軒を連ねます。お土産も売ってて、ここで買うと比較的経済的。
- Andrii KramarAvril 2, 2014Красотка на Ночном Маркете. Очень любят собачек. Они у них везде - на моторолерах, в сумках, вместе трудятся....
- inspector clouseauDécembre 14, 2018Слово 'туристический' в названии может отпугнуть, а может наоборот. Мы ж по любому туристы
- わに たけざわDécembre 5, 2015高雄市を代表する夜市の1つ。捷運美麗島駅が最寄り。港町高雄ならではの海鮮料理、台南をはじめとする台湾南部のグルメが一堂に会する観光客に人気のスポットです。
- LeonardFévrier 11, 2013六合夜市名氣大,自然吸引觀光客,對待不遠千里而來的遊客,甚至許多還是省吃儉用很久才來這一趟,多點包容與同理心吧!如果嫌太擠,瑞豐夜市確實是本地人的另一個好選擇!
- 海產粥 + 鹽蒸蝦必吃 (六合路跟自立路交叉口右手邊)、擔仔麵 (很小碗但好吃)、蚵仔煎、烤肉之家 (隊排很長)、土魠魚羹 (屈臣氏前)、鹽水意麵 (接近自立路)、老牌蝦仁羹、木瓜牛奶、八寶冰的甜熱湯。六合賣觀光客為主,逛起來較舒服,但東西會貴一點。最後別忘記,吃攤位不要吃店面的!
- KatrinaMai 21, 2016Pretty big market. About 3 blocks long. Typical night market fare. Tho I think the prices are a bit "tourist priced".