I must say that this is the hipster temple of Belgrade;) However it's not only a hipster place. Although I hate hipsters I love this place since they arrange many events from clubbing to tango nights.
They offer quite a lot; often live music in the cafe. Some gigs and concerts are often here, WB is a gay friendly party they throw every month. During the day its mostly a cafe.
The owner of this place is a lady who studied at a Ivy League college and that's why she created a cosmopolitan atmosphere. Mikser has changed the whole soul of Savamala. It's a multi-purpose place.
Mikser is pretty cool, only the food we recieved was maybe too cool.. Thumbs up for MH anyways, when we're beck in Beograd we so know where to head first.
Startup Game - May 15, 15-19h; Social Change Hackathon #2 May 16, 17h - May 18, 17h; Pioneers Unplugged May 18, 19 - 22h; Startup Standup May 19, 10 - 20h
Volim,volim ovo mesto! Tu su moji omiljeni stikeri za zid(Rukom),klopa super,cene jos bolje( cene hrane od 200RSD do 650RSD)! Pritom, svako je dobrodosao,osecas se kao u svojoj dnevnoj sobi!
Potpuno inovativna forma kreativnog mesta. Imperativ ovog prostora je kulturna akcija koja predstavlja svakodnevnu inspiraciju ljudima iz Beograda, Srbije, regiona i celog sveta.
MIKSER HOUSE is a multifunctional space for educational, cultural, entertaining and commercial activities, in an inspiring converted industrial facility.