Art Cities - Oderzo
Piazza Grande is one of Art Cities - Oderzo.

1. Piazza Grande

Piazza Grande, Oderzo, Vénétie
Place · 3 conseils et avis

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: It faces the Renaissance Cathedral, and is one of the most famous squares in Veneto. Enjoy the marvellous views of the mountains in distance!

2. Torresin

piazza Grande, Oderzo, Vénétie
Site historique et protégé · 1 conseil

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: The gothic clock tower called "Torresin" is the town's symbol, which stands a the Southern Gate of the former Medieval ramparts and reuses one of the towers from the original city wall.

Palazzo Foscolo is one of Art Cities - Oderzo.

3. Palazzo Foscolo

Via Garibaldi, Oderzo, Vénétie
Musée d'histoire · 3 conseils et avis

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: It hosts the Oderzo Archaeological Museum, opened in 1876, where the most oustanding archaeological heritage of the town is displayed. info

Palazzo Foscolo is one of Art Cities - Oderzo.

4. Palazzo Foscolo

Via Garibaldi, Oderzo, Vénétie
Musée d'histoire · 3 conseils et avis

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: A late 16th century dwelling with the typical features of a Venetian Villa. It houses the Modern and Contemporary Art Gallery (GF) and the Alberto Martini Gallery (2F)

Biblioteca Civica di Oderzo is one of Art Cities - Oderzo.

5. Biblioteca Civica di Oderzo

Via Garibaldi, 80, Oderzo, Vénétie
Bibliothèque · 3 conseils et avis

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: Local documents from past to modern times are carefully collected, forming a precious heritage.It contains 2 archives: Historical and Eno Bellis Records. Indo

6. Piazza Del Foro Romano

Piazza Foro Romano, Oderzo, Oderzo, Vénétie
Salle polyvalente · 1 conseil

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: One of the open-air archaeological site around town. This is the old Roman Forum area, and contains the remains of a Forum of the Earlier Roman Imperial Age and of a big domus (house)

7. Via dei Mosaici

via dei Mosaici, Oderzo, Vénétie
Site historique et protégé · 1 conseil

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: One of the open-air archaeological sites scattered around the town. In the area of Via dei mosaici you can see the lower part of two wells and a mosaic paving of a noble dwelling

8. Museo di Apicoltura

Via Sgardoleri, 3/A Località Magera, Oderzo, Vénétie
Musée · Ni conseil ni avis

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: The First Public Museum of Bee keeping in Italy. Info: +39 0422815459

9. IAT - Tourist Information Office

Calle Opitergium, 5, Oderzo, Vénétie
Information et service touristique · 1 conseil

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: Opening hours: Wen - Sat 9,30-12,30, Fri-Sat 9.30 -12.30, 15-18 Mail:

Duomo di Oderzo is one of Art Cities - Oderzo.

10. Duomo di Oderzo

Piazza Grande
Église · 1 conseil

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: The late-Gothic cathedral presents a Renaissance-styled gate. Inside there is a single nave with an elevated altar decorated with works of art by Pomponio Amalteo and Palma il Giovane.

Oderzo is one of Art Cities - Oderzo.

11. Oderzo

Oderzo, Vénétie
Site historique et protégé · 5 conseils et avis

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: Archaeological Town.The old Opitergium was an important economic and administrative centre during the ancient Veneto and Roman ages, originates from 10th century BC

12. Oderzo

Oderzo, Vénétie
Site historique et protégé · 5 conseils et avis

Visit TrevisoVisit Treviso: Two major events took place here every year: Opitergium, a fascinating historical re-enactment of the Roman Age, and Opera Festival, a stunning schedule of musical shows.