Shamit Khemka

Shamit Khemka


Former Regional Director Entrepreneurs Organization South Asia, Founder SynapseIndia, Co-founder Foodcloud, Mentor Eternal Hindu Foundation / Shashwat Bharatam

Delhi, National Capital Territory of Delhi
  • 245 conseils
  • 22 abonnés
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  • 407 Listes
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4 Listes créées · 241 Conseils
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Listes récentes de Shamit
Shamit Khemka
1 lieux mis à jour Novembre 5, 2021
1 lieu y compris SynapseIndia
Shamit Khemka
1 lieux mis à jour Avril 13, 2020
1 lieu y compris Reliance Jio
Shamit Khemka
1 lieux mis à jour Novembre 5, 2021
1 lieu y compris SynapseIndia
Shamit Khemka
2 lieux mis à jour Novembre 5, 2021
2 lieux y compris SynapseIndia, Synapseindia
Shamit Khemka
1 lieux mis à jour Novembre 5, 2021
1 lieu y compris SynapseIndia
Shamit Khemka
1 lieux mis à jour Novembre 5, 2021
1 lieu y compris SynapseIndia
    Conseils récents de Shamit
    "Encourage employees of the organization to learn new skills and develop knowledge. Be on the path of success by investing in talent."
    Shamit KhemkaShamit Khemka · Mai 11, 2020
    · Noida, Inde
    "Self-analyzation is important to know what is lacking behind and where is the hurdle. Once found, take the necessary steps to overcome the odds."
    Shamit KhemkaShamit Khemka · Mai 4, 2020
    · Noida, Inde
    "Start implementing a new and modified way of working remotely and meet business requirements. Stay updated with innovative technical means and work for the future."
    Shamit KhemkaShamit Khemka · Avril 27, 2020
    · Noida, Inde
    "Meet both ends of business, running operations and fulfilling clients' objectives with remote working. Bringing efficiency and extra call of hours during the adverse circumstances of COVID-19."
    Shamit KhemkaShamit Khemka · Avril 20, 2020
    · Noida, Inde
    "SynapseIndia partnership with Microsoft since 2000 is benefitting its global clients during COVID19"
    Shamit KhemkaShamit Khemka · Avril 17, 2020
    · Noida, Inde
    "Get to know about work from home rules during COVID-19. Stay productive at work and meet all objectives. SynapseIndia offers Cloud Computing to start flexible working environment"
    Shamit KhemkaShamit Khemka · Avril 13, 2020
    · Noida, Inde