Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent
Portus Ganda is one of Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent.

1. Portus Ganda

Nieuwbrugkaai (Veerkaai), Gand, Flandre Orientale
Port ou marina · Sint-Jacobs · 17 conseils et avis

Visit GentVisit Gent: Tips from locals: Sit on the quay - oan de koai zitten (portus ganda)

Sint-Veerleplein is one of Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent.

2. Sint-Veerleplein

Sint-Veerleplein, Gand, Flandre Orientale
Place · Patershol · 5 conseils et avis

Visit GentVisit Gent: Tips from locals: At Veerleplein on a terrace - Op het Veerlepleintse op een terraske

Lievekaai is one of Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent.

3. Lievekaai

Lievekaai (Kinderrechtenplein), Gand, Flandre Orientale
Route · 5 conseils et avis

Visit GentVisit Gent: Tips from locals: De Lieve, at the Prinsenhof - De Lieve, aan het Prinsenhof

Kunstencentrum Viernulvier (De Vooruit) is one of Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent.

4. Kunstencentrum Viernulvier (De Vooruit)

Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 23, Gand, Flandre Orientale
Centre culturel · Sint-Pieters · 26 conseils et avis

Visit GentVisit Gent: Tips from locals: great performances, relaxing terrace and lively atmosphere.

Glazen Straatje is one of Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent.

5. Glazen Straatje

Pieter Vanderdoncktdoorgang, Gand, Flandre Orientale
Club de striptease · Centrum-Zuid · 10 conseils et avis

Visit GentVisit Gent: Tips from locals: the red light district - tgloazene stroatsen :)

Achtersikkel is one of Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent.

6. Achtersikkel

Biezekapelstraat, Gand, Flandre Orientale
Site historique et protégé · Binnenstad · Ni conseil ni avis

Visit GentVisit Gent: Tips from locals: Biezekapelstraat... inner courtyard of conservatorium, next to the artist entrance of NT Gent. Biezekapelstraat... binnenkoer Koenservatwoir, neevenst den artietenantree van t NTG.

Marché du Vendredi is one of Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent.

7. Marché du Vendredi

Vrijdagmarkt, Gand, Flandre Orientale
Place · Binnenstad · 31 conseils et avis

Visit GentVisit Gent: Tips from locals: On a terrace at the Vrijdagsmarkt - den vrijdagsmarkt op een terrasje

Afsnis is one of Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent.

8. Afsnis

Bij Sint-Jacobs 10, Gand, Flandre Orientale
Bar · Sint-Jacobs · 27 conseils et avis

Visit GentVisit Gent: Tips from locals: Afsnis! :)

Ajuinlei is one of Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent.

9. Ajuinlei

Ajuinlei, Gand, Flandre Orientale
Route · 2 conseils et avis

Visit GentVisit Gent: Tips from locals: D' adjuunleië (Ajuinlei)

Grasbrug is one of Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent.

10. Grasbrug

Korenlei (Graslei), Gand, Flandre Orientale
Pont · Ni conseil ni avis

Visit GentVisit Gent: Tips from locals: Grasbrug

Huset is one of Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent.

11. Huset

Hoogstraat 49, Gand, Flandre Orientale
Coffee Shop · 21 conseils et avis

Visit GentVisit Gent: Tips from locals: Art café & gallery in the hoogstraat! - Kunstcafé & galerij in de hoogstraat!

Café Labath is one of Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent.

12. Café Labath

Oude Houtlei 1 (Hoogstraat), Gand, Flandre Orientale
Coffee Shop · 143 conseils et avis

Visit GentVisit Gent: Tips from locals: barista café Labath: best coffee in town & very friendly service!

Stadsbrouwerij Gruut is one of Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent.

13. Stadsbrouwerij Gruut

Grote Huidevettershoek 10, Gand, Flandre Orientale
Brasseur · Nederkouter · 36 conseils et avis

Visit GentVisit Gent: Tips from locals: Brewery 'GRUUT"! Nice setting, cozy atmosphere and delicious beer!! - De brouwerij "GRUUT"! Leuke omgeving, gezellige sfeer en lekker bier!!

Appelbrugparkje is one of Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent.

14. Appelbrugparkje

Jan Breydelstraat, Gand, Flandre Orientale
Parc · 2 conseils et avis

Visit GentVisit Gent: Tips from locals: the romantic and very small Appelbrug parc with the most beautiful view of Ghent - het romantische en piepkleine Appelbrugpark met mooiste zicht van Gent

15. STAM

Godshuizenlaan 2, Gand, Flandre Orientale
Musée d'histoire · Bijloke · 23 conseils et avis
Korenlei is one of Loved by Locals - Hidden Gems in Ghent.

16. Korenlei

Korenlei, Gand, Flandre Orientale
Place · 7 conseils et avis

Visit GentVisit Gent: Tips from locals: Korenlei