Un endroit à visiter à NYC, idéal pour le déjeuner il y a de multiples choix, mon préféré est la poissonnerie, on peut y prendre un homard à consommé. J'y retourne à chacune de mes visites.
This is foodie heaven!! Come really hungry because everything is good! Top 3 musts are Tacos #1, Dizzengoff, and Mokbar, but you'll need to come back multiple times to taste everything
Great ambiance inside this rustic vintage market. I love the hot food special in the first coffee shop to your left(from 8th Ave) The old leaking pipe(waterfall) adds a nice touch with many onlookers.
Cool shop place in refurbished Nabisco bakery with restaurants, stores, craft shops and grocery.. Check out the original building metal etchings on the walls to see the history.
Súper variado todo lo que puedes encontrar para comer pero si duda no puedes dejar de probar la langosta o cualquier platillo de barra fría que ya tienen preparado son deliciosos.
You really can't go wrong here but my favorite is Very Fresh Noodles and the Lobster Place. Legit Taiwanese bianbian noodles (the beef 🤤) and amazing uni don at the sushi bar in Lobster Place
Es imprescindible ir. Tiene un encanto muy especial. Aunque esté apartado, merece la pena ir, recordar la vieja fábricaOreo q fue (muchas cosas aún siguen), y disfrutar con su ambiente y sus tiendas
Al terminar tu paseo por High Line visita Chelsea Market. Lobster Place y Los Tacos N.1 son un must en este increible mall de comida. Visitalo un sabado o domingo, el ambiente se pone muy chido!
Um ótimo lugar para passear e comer! Várias opções de comida, uma melhor que a outra. Ambiente agradável e muito bonito. Coma o sanduíche de queijo com sopa de tomate, é incrível!
Legal, tem que ir, blah, blah, blah. Mas vá e encha seu pote, literalmente, de cerveja no 'the filling station'. Cervejas artesanais para levar em garrafas ou no pote. Curti a chocolatestout e dipa.
Loved chelsea market!!! Go early and grab breakfast here. Very nice laid back atmosphere. The donut store was our favorite. Peoples pops isn't bad. We loved the idea of milkbar but if you aren't used
Просто приходите и жрите. Все что видите, 8 устриц обойдутся вам в 20$, полкило сашими из желтого тунца и лосося в 25$, целый лобстер-35-45$ в зависимости от его места. Без сомнения один из лучших
Um dos mercados mais charmosos de NY. Aproveite para conhecer a Fat Witch, que produz os brownies mais deliciosos que comi em toda a minha vida. O tradicional e o de caramelo são meus favoritos.
With so many food options, walk thru the entire market before deciding on what you want. It gets really crowded on weekends so you may want to plan on taking your food up to the High Line to eat.
Love this place. Has a bunch of shops and places for food, of which, there is a good variety of both food and other miscellaneous things to shop for. Brazil pictures!! 🇧🇷🇺🇸
This place is a fun European-Style Market that has tons of artisan foods and local shops. While I love supporting the neighborhood businesses, this place is always crowded with tourists. Go early.
Tolle Auswahl an süßen kleinen Restaurants. Sehr zu empfehlen ist 'Privé', hier gibt es Designerstücke zu tollen Preisen. Bin total verliebt in meine 2 neuen 360cashmere Cardigans ❤️
Мена крутой лобстер! Устрицы и суши! Просто супер вау! Очень понравилось место, ходила и по Мишленовским ресторанам в НЙ, но Челси маркет the best place to eat crazy delicious!
Don't leave Chelsea Market without trying food from Lobster Place and Los Tacos No.1! It gets busy on the weekends, but I come here anyway cause it's worth it. Get dessert at L'Arte del Gelato.
One of my favourite spots in New York! Especially in the Saturday and Sunday mornings...great spot for brunch and coffee! Shop at Anthropologie and the hip shops outside with a takeoutcoffee
It is all about Food !!! Delicious Selection of restaurants and Food stores. Really worth a visit if you are around 👍 Sandwiches, Oysters and Seafood.... etc all under one roof 👍
There is food for EVERYONE here. Imagine a mallfood court, except every place is somewhere you actually want to eat. Several delicious options. Tacos, sushi, burgers, lobster, you name it.
Love this place. It's a little rabbit warren of eateries. Very packed on a Saturday afternoon, but a great atmosphere. Watch out for all the lobster munching, it's carnage
If you've never had any, you must try Seed + Mills halva and if you've had halva and hated it try this stuff. Like nothing you've had before. My personal favourite is the chocolate and orange.
lots lots lots of cupcakes, bakeries, food, spices.. want to try their lobster rolls and fresh oysters someday. There's also a artisanflea market down stairs, saw the same stand at brooklyn too
Great place to spend an afternoon! Meander through various boutiques and taste your way around fabulous flavors and shoppes. Hipster vibe with foodie ambience. It's gonna be a win!!
A really cool indoor market we found by accident after looking for food. There's pretty much everything you need and more in this place and a nice break from the rain/Sun depending on the season
A foodie's dream come true where you can get gelato, crepes, whole lobsters, spices, espressos, baked goods -- and more. Stop by the nicely curated bookstore while you're here too.
Loft design, crowded with tourists. Lobsters are a must try. Also you can buy hand-made t-shirts and other cool stuff./ Кроме лобстеров, это отличное место для покупки авторских сувениров и футболок.
The tourists swarm in droves but the gem for New Yorkers is Manhattan Fruit Exchange, a shockingly inexpensivegrocery store with fabulous, diverse produce, cheese, and most other kitchen staples.
The market has so much to offer, from food, art, shopping and live music, there is something for everyone. It does get extremely crowded, especially during the weekends, so plan accordingly!
Antiga fábrica da Nabisco, lugar muito legal com diversas lojas e comércios, principalmente alimentação. Comemos uma pizza muito boa em um dos restaurantes, mas tudo tem uma cara ótima!
Chelsea Market is truly a destination worth visiting and a complement for any trip to the west side of Manhattan and the Meatpacking District. You have to come here. But more than that, you'll want to
Além dos inumeros produtos alimentícios de qualidade, outros milhares de bom gosto para você comprar para dar de presente! Restaurantes e lanches por.todo o mercado! Pertinho da High Line!
So many great dining options, including one of the best taco spots - Los Tacos #1. If you're adventurous, try the cactustaco. Stop by Doughnuttery for a little something sweet.
Tante opzioni per un pranzo veloce, dal panino da asporto al pesce fresco al ristorantino al mercato e al gelato artigianale. Davvero per tutti i gusti. Molto affollato ma vivace e particolare
My personal favorite places are:Cull & Pistol, Fat WitchBakery, Los Tacos No.1, The Filling Station and of course The Tippler downstairs. Artists & Fleas is also cute to check out on your first visit
Incredible indoor market - if you are in the area you must visit! Seafood place looked awesome though we ate elsewhere - great selection of shops, food outlets & sample sales
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Chelsea Market
75 9th Ave (btwn W 15th & W 16th St) New York, NY10011 États-Unis