Christopher Ong

Christopher Ong

Singapore, Singapore
  • 7 conseils
  • 44 abonnés
  • 57 abonnements
  • 5 Listes
Listes de Christopher pour Toutes les villes
  • Singapore
  • Kapolei
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Christopher
2 Listes créées · 1 Conseil 
1 Conseil 
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Christopher Ong
1 lieux mis à jour Mars 2, 2013
1 lieu y compris Attorney-General's Chambers
Christopher Ong
5 lieux mis à jour Février 16, 2014
5 lieux y compris Mooi Chin, Boon Tong Kee 文東記, Bukit Cafe, The Cathay Restaurant 国泰
Christopher Ong
2 lieux mis à jour
2 lieux y compris Castel's Corner Cafe, Fort Siloso Skywalk
Christopher Ong
5 lieux mis à jour
5 lieux y compris Holland Village Methodist Church, Club Street Social, Bukit Room, Island Bowl
    "Food and service is good, but it gets REALLY crowded in the evenings and isn't cheap because they basically have a captive audience from the resort. Be prepared to wait half an hour for a table."
    Christopher OngChristopher Ong · Juin 17, 2013
    · Kapolei, États-Unis
    "Steak and mushroom pie was authentically British, but just one won't be enough for most appetites! Pity I couldn't wash it down with a nice English draught beer or Irish stout."
    Christopher OngChristopher Ong · Décembre 23, 2012
    Coffee Shop
    · Tagaytay, Philippines
    "Beautiful location with old world charm, even though it only reopened a few years ago after renovations."
    Christopher OngChristopher Ong · Décembre 23, 2012
    · Tagaytay, Philippines
    "This used to be named Operetta Cantina, but it's been taken over by Cesare Cantarella, one of the founders of the great Italian restaurant Al Forno that introduced wood-fired pizza ovens to Singapore!"
    Christopher OngChristopher Ong · Décembre 23, 2012
    · Singapour
    "Beware of the feral children…"
    Christopher OngChristopher Ong · Juillet 12, 2012
    Maison (privée)
    · Singapour
    "This is where Manchester United fans live."
    Christopher OngChristopher Ong · Mars 31, 2012
    Terrain de football
    · Singapour