5 lieux mis à jour Mai 4, 2014
5 lieux y compris Θράκα... επί ποδός, Tamam, Κρέπα της Ρωξάνης, Κουζίνα Ε.Π.Ε.
14 lieux mis à jour
14 lieux y compris U Luizy, TBSCG Brussels Office v2, Honest Burgers, Spiż
31 lieux mis à jour
31 lieux y compris Grand Hotel Sofia, Fregata, Szajnochy 11, Mdina Gate
Listes de JakubListes créées par JakubListes suivies par Jakub
"DJ makes it very annoying. Boring and loud music set..."
"Dumplings! Chicken! Eggs with chili!"
"Take Tom Yum in a large bowl! Really fresh and full of flavour."
"If they propose you maximum level 6 - don't complain, try it first :) That was crazy ;)"
"The best beer they have is "Zlaty Bazant" from Bratislava. What's the point in stopping here in a first place then?"
· Győr, Hongrie
6.8"Goulash! Mhmm"
· Budapest, Hongrie