Jessie Sheeran

Jessie Sheeran


Portland, OR
  • 27 conseils
  • 48 abonnés
  • 54 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
Listes de Jessie pour Toutes les villes
  • Milwaukie
  • Portland
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Jessie
1 Conseil 
26 Conseils
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Jessie Sheeran
32 lieux mis à jour
32 lieux y compris The Pied Cow, Fred's Sound Of Music, Portland Art Museum, The Waffle Window
Jessie Sheeran
88 lieux mis à jour
88 lieux y compris Eclectic, Taqueria Los Gorditos, The Pink Door, Sisters Farmer's Market
    Conseils récents de Jessie
    "Not just a coffee shop. This place caters to DIY yogurt, cheese, canning, etc. You walk in the door for coffee and walk out with a brand new cheese hobby! Love it."
    Jessie SheeranJessie Sheeran · Février 15, 2013
    · Portland, États-Unis
    "This place is so damn cool! They have all kinds of natural wonders. It's half museum, half shop. They're jewelry is to die for! And all pretty affordable too. :)"
    Jessie SheeranJessie Sheeran · Février 15, 2013
    Boutique de cadeaux
    · Portland, États-Unis
    "Before buying anything for your home new, check this place out. It's kind of like a fixer-upper's dream. You can spend $1 an old window screen for earnings, or a shutter to hang on your wall for mail."
    Jessie SheeranJessie Sheeran · Février 15, 2013
    Magasin d'ameublement et de décoration intérieure
    · Portland, États-Unis
    "Love this place! It has every game I could ever want, has evening game nights, AND charges $5 for 3 day game rentals for game nights at home. They're also on the Supportland network, which is awesome!"
    Jessie SheeranJessie Sheeran · Février 15, 2013
    Jeux et jouets
    · Portland, États-Unis
    "Christiane Poppmeier is superb! She owns the manor, hosts, serves, busses tables, and has a wonderfully jovial attitude all the while. Love her!"
    Jessie SheeranJessie Sheeran · Février 15, 2013
    Salle de mariage
    · Milwaukie, États-Unis