Antoine B.

Antoine B.


Laid back Morehouse bro ready to graduate.... you know me as the one people call Mr. Bates... don't forget it

Atlanta, GA
  • 16 conseils
  • 1 526 abonnés
  • 1 094 abonnements
  • 6 Listes
Listes de Antoine pour Toutes les villes
  • San Francisco
  • Sandusky
  • Los Angeles
  • Charlotte
  • Austell
  • Atlanta
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Antoine
San Francisco
1 Conseil 
1 Liste créée
Los Angeles
1 Conseil 
1 Liste créée
1 Liste créée · 3 Conseils
11 Conseils
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Antoine B.
19 lieux mis à jour Juillet 15, 2013
19 lieux y compris Mind Bender, Top Thrill Dragster, Goliath, Superman: Ultimate Flight
Antoine B.
5 lieux mis à jour
5 lieux y compris Morris College, Mobile Cutz By Dwayne, Chic Fil-A Bowl Parade, Audre Lorde Project (ALP)
Antoine B.
14 lieux mis à jour
14 lieux y compris Producers Club Theaters & Bar, AMC 84th Street 6, Little Caesars Pizza, MTA Subway - Parkchester (6)
    Conseils récents de Antoine
    "Hmm they were cool to me. I think you get back what you give out. They were super polite, even joked around with me And the person that brought out my food was extremely nice even called me sir"
    Antoine B.Antoine B. · Mai 2, 2013
    · Atlanta, États-Unis
    "Great way to get where you need to go for a reasonable price"
    Antoine B.Antoine B. · Janvier 16, 2013
    Arrêt de bus
    · Los Angeles, États-Unis
    "Nobody should be here but me lol"
    Antoine B.Antoine B. · Juin 28, 2012
    Maison (privée)
    · Atlanta, États-Unis
    "To Carlos D I dont know where u got your information but you are very incorrect we are number 25 not no 1. Please get your information correct next time u try to misrepresent this city"
    Antoine B.Antoine B. · Février 4, 2012
    · États-Unis
    "Shuttle leaves every fifteen minutes from vine city in the morning plan appropriately. And dont get mad at bus driver cause u didnt plan right"
    Antoine B.Antoine B. · Octobre 19, 2011
    · Atlanta, États-Unis
    "The best ride at this park. But six flags over georgia needs to step up there game, because they have nothing on a lot of parks."
    Antoine B.Antoine B. · Septembre 18, 2011
    · Austell, États-Unis