Art Gallery of Ontario

Art Gallery of Ontario


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"Did you know that the AGO's spiral staircase, designed by Frank Gehry, is purposefully narrow so that people could bump into each other and fall in love. Ahhh!"
Art Gallery of OntarioArt Gallery of Ontario · Janvier 5, 2012
Galerie d'art
· Toronto, Canada
"Situated in the Grange (the oldest part of the Gallery), our Members' Lounge is a great spot to rest your feet. Cosy yet refined and with lovely views of the park."
Art Gallery of OntarioArt Gallery of Ontario · Janvier 5, 2012
Galerie d'art
· Toronto, Canada
"The cheese and ham croissants could quite possibly be the best in the city. Just saying..."
Art Gallery of OntarioArt Gallery of Ontario · Janvier 5, 2012
· Toronto, Canada
"From 3pm on weekdays we have a range of exciting free youth classes including DJ lessons and hip-hop dance. Check out our youth Facebook page for more details!"
Art Gallery of OntarioArt Gallery of Ontario · Janvier 5, 2012
· Toronto, Canada