Amanda Aphay

Amanda Aphay


Las Vegas, NV
  • 8 conseils
  • 2 abonnés
  • 48 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
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  • Plano
  • Las Vegas
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Les meilleures villes d'après Amanda
1 Conseil 
Las Vegas
7 Conseils
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Amanda Aphay
0 lieux mis à jour
0 lieu
Amanda Aphay
11 lieux mis à jour
11 lieux y compris The Blue Fish at 121, Plano, Texas, Las Vegas Food And Wine Festival, Whole Foods Market, Las Vegas North Premium Outlets
    Conseils récents de Amanda
    "Must try the ahi tower! Best I've had yet! We had a very friendly bartender as well. Definitely going back when I visit again!"
    Amanda AphayAmanda Aphay · Novembre 19, 2016
    · Plano, États-Unis
    "I love shopping and this place is by far one of my favorite places to shop! Feels like there are bridges and bridges of limitless shopping!"
    Amanda AphayAmanda Aphay · Novembre 3, 2016
    Centre commercial
    · Las Vegas, États-Unis
    "I love how big the selection is here. I can find basically everything I need in one shot!"
    Amanda AphayAmanda Aphay · Novembre 3, 2016
    Magasin d'usine
    · Las Vegas, États-Unis
    "My favorite grocery market! I love going here after my workout because they have a big selection of pre made salads. All the produce and veggies are always fresh!"
    Amanda AphayAmanda Aphay · Novembre 3, 2016
    · Las Vegas, États-Unis
    "I love how they give you an option to choose to be healthy or not. Some days I feel like being good and some days I feel like being bad! ;)"
    Amanda AphayAmanda Aphay · Novembre 3, 2016
    Américaine moderne
    · Las Vegas, États-Unis
    "Love shopping here! The property is amazing just to even look at. It's always our go to when taking anyone visiting us around. Also, they have some of the best restaurants I've been to in Las Vegas!"
    Amanda AphayAmanda Aphay · Novembre 3, 2016
    Centre commercial
    · Las Vegas, États-Unis