Amy Armbruster

Rockwall, TX
  • 2 conseils
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Listes de Amy pour Toutes les villes
  • Austin
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Les meilleures villes d'après Amy
2 Conseils
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4 lieux mis à jour
4 lieux y compris Holiday Inn Town Lake Bar, Cain & Abel's, Lady Bird Lake Trail (East), Lady Bird Lake Boardwalk Trail
    "Cain and Abel Loved the wood in the open bar area. We had the nachos very good. Then we Shared the chicken fried steak sandwich. Too chewy but the fries were food. Great beer and fresh margaritas"
    Amy Armbruster · Mars 3, 2015
    · Austin, États-Unis
    "We had a G and T w a slash of tonic. Great drink and their grilled cheese is divine. Very courteous staff Santiago was wonderful."
    Amy Armbruster · Mars 3, 2015
    Bar d'hôtel
    · Austin, États-Unis