Ara Aventurado

Ara Aventurado


Davao City
  • 31 conseils
  • 25 abonnés
  • 34 abonnements
  • 3 Listes

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Les meilleures villes d'après Ara
Davao City, Davao, Philippines
1 Liste créée · 8 Conseils
Davao City, Davao del Sur, Davao, Philippines
8 Conseils
Puerto Princesa
2 Conseils
Ara Aventurado
2 lieux mis à jour Mars 26, 2013
2 lieux y compris Redemptorist Church, Robinsons Department Store
Ara Aventurado
0 lieux mis à jour
0 lieu
Ara Aventurado
10 lieux mis à jour
10 lieux y compris Fagioli Coffee Club, Mooon Cafe, Bo's Coffee, Gaisano Mall Extreme 3D Cinema 1
Listes de AraListes créées par AraListes suivies par Ara
Conseils récents de Ara
"Best at morning. Hot pandesal and sunny-side-up plus coffee with milk --- all-time fave. ;) Yummy and affordable."
Ara AventuradoAra Aventurado · Juin 6, 2014
· Lungsod ng Dabaw, Philippines
"For walk-ins, be there at around 6pm. The earlier, the better. :)"
Ara AventuradoAra Aventurado · Avril 27, 2014
· Davao City, Philippines
"Very convenient on weekdays. It's the other way around during weekends so you gotta bring some patience."
Ara AventuradoAra Aventurado · Avril 20, 2014
· Davao City, Philippines
"Sad because I think I didn't get the value of my money. :("
Ara AventuradoAra Aventurado · Mars 29, 2014
Coffee Shop
· Palawan, Philippines
"Affordable, very homey. Staffs are very accomodating too. ;) #travel2014"
Ara AventuradoAra Aventurado · Mars 28, 2014
Chambre d'hôtes
· Palawan, Philippines
"Been to so many coffee shops but I must say their Choco Mint Hot Latte is the best yet. Cool place too."
Ara AventuradoAra Aventurado · Mars 28, 2014
· Lungsod ng Puerto Princesa, Philippines