Brooke Hayden

Brooke Hayden


Chapel Hill, NC
  • 5 conseils
  • 66 abonnés
  • 100 abonnements
  • 2 Listes

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Les meilleures villes d'après Brooke
1 Conseil 
Chapel Hill
3 Conseils
St Louis
1 Conseil 
Brooke Hayden
1 lieux mis à jour
1 lieu y compris Dean E. Smith Center
Brooke Hayden
4 lieux mis à jour
4 lieux y compris Durham Bulls Athletic Park, Pantana Bob's, East End Oyster & Martini Bar, Glen Lennox Cottages
Listes de BrookeListes créées par BrookeListes suivies par Brooke
"Be sure to say hello to Alfredo! I went in near closing time, and he cooked a fresh pizza for me knowing that most of it probably wouldn't sell. He's a great guy who truly values his customers!"
Brooke HaydenBrooke Hayden · Octobre 10, 2012
· Chapel Hill, États-Unis
"Dr. Potter diagnosed a life-threatening cardiac issue, which had been overlooked by other doctors, and ensured I was immediately seen by one of UNC's top heart surgeons. You're in good hands here."
Brooke HaydenBrooke Hayden · Septembre 19, 2012
Cabinet de médecin
· Chapel Hill, États-Unis
"How is it possible for there to be a 20 minute drive-thru wait at 4AM? Staff does a great job handling all of the drunks, though."
Brooke HaydenBrooke Hayden · Septembre 15, 2012
· Carrboro, États-Unis
"Kimi is the best server and she has huge t*ts!!"
Brooke HaydenBrooke Hayden · Mai 18, 2011
· Saint-Louis, États-Unis
"Order the blue cheese chips as an appetizer and have an oreo milkshake with your meal. Order anything as an entree. It's all great."
Brooke HaydenBrooke Hayden · Avril 6, 2011
· Chapel Hill, États-Unis