BUDining Service

BUDining Service


We think eating well is an important part of campus life. We have one of the finest college dining programs in the country. Be sure to “Check-In” everywhere!

Boston, MA
  • 16 conseils
  • 255 abonnés
  • 0 abonnements
  • 4 Listes
  • 11 lieux
Listes de BUDining Service pour Toutes les villes
  • Boston
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après BUDining Service
1 Liste créée · 8 Conseils
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BUDining Service
8 lieux mis à jour Août 14, 2023
Is the main section of Warren Towers Dining Hall? How about the GSU, you can't go wrong right? What about the BU Beach.. too secluded? Maybe Olecito, sitting by the window? Where do you people watch??
BUDining Service
2 lieux mis à jour
2 lieux y compris Dining Comm. Ave Fair Tent, Dining Comm. Ave Fair Tent
BUDining Service
0 lieux mis à jour
0 lieu
    "Get to know your Baristas..."
    BUDining ServiceBUDining Service · Février 26, 2013
    Coffee Shop
    · Boston, États-Unis
    "Breakfast being served here too!! WOW!"
    BUDining ServiceBUDining Service · Août 15, 2011
    · Boston, États-Unis
    "They have a bunch of Sargent Choice healthy pastry options as well, look for the Sargent Choice label"
    BUDining ServiceBUDining Service · Août 15, 2011
    Coffee Shop
    · Boston, États-Unis
    "Go up the Grill Station, and say the following, "I'd like a West please". Wait until they call you, pick up the plate, go back to your seat and enjoy one of the Best Burgers in Boston!!"
    BUDining ServiceBUDining Service · Août 15, 2011
    · Boston, États-Unis
    "Bagels and Full Hot Breakfast being served out of Rhett's now, check out the Pancakes, French Toast, Hash Browns, you name it."
    BUDining ServiceBUDining Service · Août 15, 2011
    · Boston, États-Unis
    "Don't go beyond the 3rd floor, no one has ever gone that high so be careful!"
    BUDining ServiceBUDining Service · Avril 29, 2011
    Bâtiment administratif
    · Boston, États-Unis