Ben Teague

Ben Teague


Nashville, TN
  • 3 conseils
  • 36 abonnés
  • 54 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
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  • Charlotte
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Les meilleures villes d'après Ben
3 Conseils
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Ben Teague
8 lieux mis à jour
8 lieux y compris WorkPlay, Bottletree Cafe, Vulcan Park and Museum, Matthew's Bar & Grill
Ben Teague
3 lieux mis à jour
3 lieux y compris Romare Bearden Park, Catalyst, Gateway Village
    "Downtown is "Uptown"...Why? Historically, the middle is on a hill. Casually, "Uptown" is short for "City Center" which is the area around Independence Sq., not all of downtown."
    Ben TeagueBen Teague · Septembre 23, 2012
    · États-Unis
    "Just on the edge of City Center, a block away from Wells Cultural Campus, and I drive my car once per month. Maybe. Oh, and wonderful staff/employees!!"
    Ben TeagueBen Teague · Avril 26, 2011
    Appartement ou résidence
    · Charlotte, États-Unis
    "London Broil sandwich and Spicy Crab soup. Unique selection of beers on tap, too!!"
    Ben TeagueBen Teague · Mars 7, 2011
    · Charlotte, États-Unis