Chrystyana Ladoucer

Chrystyana Ladoucer


I am here to try new things! I love adding spice to my life by going to new places! My goal is to go out to a new spot at least once a month! :)

Saint Paul, MN
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Listes de Chrystyana pour Toutes les villes
  • Roseville
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Les meilleures villes d'après Chrystyana
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"I like the fact that they are open 24/7 and have internet. Their food is ok... Nothing out of this world, just ok. Great raspberry ice tea and the pie is pretty good too. :)"
Chrystyana LadoucerChrystyana Ladoucer · Novembre 14, 2016
· Roseville, États-Unis
"Chai Latte is delish here. I also went to another Dunn Bros and they also had a delish Chai Latte there. The other stuff I tried here in Roseville is ok but the latte is the best so far! :)"
Chrystyana LadoucerChrystyana Ladoucer · Novembre 14, 2016
Coffee Shop
· Roseville, États-Unis