Voici quelques conseils populaires à Budapest. Sélectionne un goût pour en voir plus :

Foursquare t'aide à dénicher de parfaits endroits à Budapest pour sortir avec tes amis :

Les membres parlent de ces endroits à Budapest :

  • 9.4


    Parc Kopaszi gát Budapest, Budapest

    Ce que les gens disent (80 conseils) :

    • We Love Budapest
      We Love Budapest: "This is an idyllic home to small restaurants, cafés, terraces and playhouses. It is a sureshot from spring to autumn. The only drawback of the place is that dogs are not allowed."
    • Melinda K.
      Melinda K: "Very clean and civilized. Great place for a romantic date or for an afternoon jogging."
  • 9.3

    Szent István Bazilika tetőtéri kilátó

    Belvédère / Panorama Szent István tér 1. Budapest, Budapest

    Ce que les gens disent (25 conseils) :

    • Ele G.
      Ele Gagnidze 유: "Entry free however right in front of entrance there is a charity box. Eur 1 is kind of mandatory to put there. Church is magnificent both inside & outside."
    • Shaileshwori S.
      Shaileshwori Sharma: "The view from the top is unparalleled and very different from the one you get on the Buda side from Fisherman's Bastion. Tip: watch the sunset from here!"
  • 9.4

    Belvédère Élisabeth

    Belvédère / Panorama János-hegy Budapest, Budapest

    Ce que les gens disent (24 conseils) :

    • We Love Budapest
      We Love Budapest: "On top of János Hill stands the Erzsébet Lookout Tower, built in 1910, whence you can enjoy a breathtaking panorama of the city. In clear weather you can see as far as 80 kilometers away."
    • Erwin K.
      Erwin K.: "Beautiful view over the city, fresh air and nature! You can use the chairlift to get up the hill, but check on what time it will close. Otherwise it is a quite long walk back."

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