Claudia Bautista de Sturla

Claudia Bautista de Sturla


Santo Domingo, 04
  • 1 conseils
  • 1 abonnés
  • 38 abonnements
  • 2 Listes
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Claudia Bautista de Sturla
0 lieux mis à jour
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Claudia Bautista de Sturla
8 lieux mis à jour
8 lieux y compris Palma Aquarium, Sóller, CosmoCaixa, Cala Major
    "Clean beach, lots of people and still doesn’t feel crowded inside the water. The waves are strong, so you need to be cautious with kids. My kids are 6 and 4 and had a great time with the waves."
    Claudia Bautista de SturlaClaudia Bautista de Sturla · Juillet 14, 2019
    · Palma de Majorque, Espagne