Darryl Oliver

Darryl Oliver

  • 3 conseils
  • 0 abonnés
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  • 2 Listes
Listes de Darryl pour Toutes les villes
  • Grasonville
  • Baltimore
  • Ocean City
  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Darryl
1 Conseil 
1 Conseil 
Ocean City
1 Conseil 
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"This place is awesome. Great spot right on the water. Loved the cream of crab. Bobbi Jo waited on us, she was awesome. Ask for her, good food and good service."
Darryl OliverDarryl Oliver · Juin 25, 2017
Fruits de mer
· Baltimore, États-Unis
"Never had crabs here, usually just stop for the soup. Best cream of crab I've ever had. It's worth the stop and the price."
Darryl OliverDarryl Oliver · Juin 19, 2017
Fruits de mer
· Grasonville, États-Unis
"I was looking forward to it based on some recent positive reviews. Good cream of crab. Seafood pasta sauce should have been much thicker, and it didn't have much taste.And, pretty expensive. bummed."
Darryl OliverDarryl Oliver · Juin 19, 2017
Fruits de mer
· Ocean City, États-Unis