Kristian Moton

Kristian Moton


Bronx, NY
  • 2 conseils
  • 22 abonnés
  • 20 abonnements
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  • Bronx
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New York
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Kristian Moton
0 lieux mis à jour
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Kristian Moton
3 lieux mis à jour
3 lieux y compris Red Bamboo, Southern Hospitality, Planet Fitness
    "Loved the BBQ "chicken" took my girlfriend who's a vegan and we loved it went on Valentine's day for lunch and sat right down. No wait at all!!! Great ambiance great food and great pricing"
    Kristian MotonKristian Moton · Février 17, 2015
    Restaurant végétaliens et végétariens
    · New York, États-Unis
    "Def nice and quiet in the midnight hours get what you need to get done and be out..."
    Kristian MotonKristian Moton · Avril 18, 2013
    Salle de sport
    · Bronx, États-Unis