David Bowser

David Bowser

San Francisco, Calif
  • 4 conseils
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  • 2 Listes
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  • San Francisco
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Les meilleures villes d'après David
San Francisco
4 Conseils
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David Bowser
3 lieux mis à jour
3 lieux y compris California Academy of Sciences, Hilton San Francisco Union Square, Tartine Bakery
David Bowser
3 lieux mis à jour
3 lieux y compris Cinta Aveda Institute, Tartine Bakery, California Academy of Sciences
    "Great kids shop"
    David BowserDavid Bowser · Septembre 11, 2014
    Salon de coiffure
    · San Francisco, États-Unis
    "Great coffee. The closet I have come to a top Melbourne coffee while in the US."
    David BowserDavid Bowser · Septembre 11, 2014
    · San Francisco, États-Unis
    "The breakfast buffet included in our family rate was worth it. But free wifi in the rooms would be a welcome addition in these times."
    David BowserDavid Bowser · Septembre 11, 2014
    · San Francisco, États-Unis
    "That aquarium is great! And we could talk to the divers. Wow!!"
    David BowserDavid Bowser · Septembre 11, 2014
    Musée des sciences
    · San Francisco, États-Unis