Doors Open Toronto

Doors Open Toronto


Toronto buildings of architectural, historical & cultural significance open their doors to the public for a weekend-long celebration. May 25 & 26, 2013. #DOT13

Toronto, Canada
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Les meilleures villes d'après Doors Open Toronto
North York
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1 Liste créée · 3 Conseils
1 Liste créée · 1 Conseil 
1 Liste créée · 94 Conseils
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Doors Open Toronto
118 lieux mis à jour Avril 2, 2013
The 14th annual Doors Open presented by Great Gulf offers people an weekend long opportunity to visit nearly 150 architecturally, historically, culturally significant buildings on May 25 - 26, 2013.
Doors Open Toronto
25 lieux mis à jour
25 lieux y compris Regent Park Recreational Centre, Montgomery's Inn Museum, Corus Quay, Royal St George's
Doors Open Toronto
0 lieux mis à jour
0 lieu
    "For decades the hall was the centre of Toronto's social life and it was here that prominent politicians addressed the people of Toronto. Come visit us during Doors Open Toronto on May 25-26th, 2013."
    Doors Open TorontoDoors Open Toronto · Mai 24, 2013
    Salle polyvalente
    · Toronto, Canada
    "Did you know that before we had electricity, moving water was the engine that turned the mill wheels of rural Canada? Come visit at Doors Open on May 25-26th, 2013, and take a journey into the past."
    Doors Open TorontoDoors Open Toronto · Mai 24, 2013
    Site historique et protégé
    · Toronto, Canada
    "Did you know that Old City Hall took almost 20 years to plan and build? Come visit the national Historic Site during Doors Open on May25-26th, 2013."
    Doors Open TorontoDoors Open Toronto · Mai 24, 2013
    · Toronto, Canada
    "Hudson's Bay Queen Street is Canada's largest department store and stands at approximately one-million square feet occupying a full city block. Come visit at Doors Open: May 25-26th, 2013."
    Doors Open TorontoDoors Open Toronto · Mai 24, 2013
    Grand magasin
    · Toronto, Canada
    "Montgomery's Inn was built in 1830 and is one of 10 owned and operated museums that work collectively under the umbrella, City of Toronto Historic Sites. Learn more at Doors Open: May 25-26th, 2013."
    Doors Open TorontoDoors Open Toronto · Mai 24, 2013
    Musée d'histoire
    · Toronto, Canada
    "Did you know the original building was known as the "cathedral of Methodism" and has been a site of worship since April 4th, 1872? Come visit us during Doors Open on May 25-26th, 2013."
    Doors Open TorontoDoors Open Toronto · Mai 24, 2013
    · Toronto, Canada