Dave Silverstone

Dave Silverstone


New York, NY
  • 79 conseils
  • 492 abonnés
  • 471 abonnements
  • 8 Listes
Listes de Dave pour Toutes les villes
  • New York
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  • Toutes les villes
Les meilleures villes d'après Dave
New York
1 Liste créée · 31 Conseils
1 Liste créée · 14 Conseils
1 Liste créée · 6 Conseils
San Francisco
1 Liste créée · 3 Conseils
1 Liste créée · 3 Conseils
2 Conseils
1 Liste créée · 1 Conseil 
2 Conseils
East Syracuse
1 Liste créée · 1 Conseil 
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Listes récentes de Dave
Dave Silverstone
48 lieux mis à jour Mars 11, 2017
Sure, it may seem bleak - especially in the winter - but there's quite a few gems to keep you occupied in the city and right nearby!
Dave Silverstone
52 lieux mis à jour Janvier 21, 2022
Escape the chain stores of 6th avenue, the Bridge & Tunnel gay bars, "Sex & the City" landmarks, and overpriced trend shops -- discover the real life of Chelsea, from breakfast to brunch the next day!
Dave Silverstone
22 lieux mis à jour Décembre 25, 2011
SFO - my favorite spots to pick up unique gifts (for yourself or others) and nosh on some tasty snackables on the way!
Dave Silverstone
97 lieux mis à jour
97 lieux y compris Rice 'n' Beans, Nom Wah Tea Parlor, New People, Nino's Restaurant
Dave Silverstone
19 lieux mis à jour
19 lieux y compris Wix Lounge, FDR Four Freedoms Park, Grand Sichuan Eastern, Chop Shop
    Conseils récents de Dave
    "Each Starbucks has it's own "vibe". This one's is made up of desperation, poverty, and FIT students."
    Dave SilverstoneDave Silverstone · Avril 29, 2014
    Coffee Shop
    · New York, États-Unis
    "Absolutely fantastic service - far above and beyond what you'd ever expect at this price point! A modern update of the classic bespoke shop, applied to ready-to-wear!"
    Dave SilverstoneDave Silverstone · Juillet 19, 2013
    · New York, États-Unis
    "Anything you can't get cheap at C21, you can get even cheaper here! Great for housewares, toys, etc! Far better than I was expecting from the name and outside appearance!"
    Dave SilverstoneDave Silverstone · Février 26, 2013
    Magasin discount
    · New York, États-Unis
    "Dear Lufthansa social media team, advertising your 747-8 service from Washington with a promoted "tip": WRONG FRIGGIN' AIRPORT."
    Dave SilverstoneDave Silverstone · Octobre 19, 2012
    · Arlington, États-Unis
    "The roof deck isn't a dance floor... So why the f--- is the music so loud you can't have a conversation? I mean, SOME of us are capable of more than dancing and sexting..."
    Dave SilverstoneDave Silverstone · Juillet 14, 2012
    Bar gay
    · Washington, États-Unis
    "Prior to 1890, a massive, 50 ft tall, 4-acre reservoir stood where the NYPL and east side of the park are now; distributing water from NYC's first aqueduct to the rest of the city."
    Dave SilverstoneDave Silverstone · Mai 29, 2012
    · New York, États-Unis