"Skrg tgl 13,Agustus,2012. Keadaan msh sepi,euyy.. Yg mau ke puncak,buruan berangkat,sblm kena macet pas lebaran."
· Cianjur, Indonésie
5.6"A lot of Cool Fashion clothes has been done @ this Workshop. For Kids,Men& Women."
Espace de travail partagé
· Indonésie
"Tempatnya gk nyaman. Outdoornya Banyak kucing berkeliaran dimana2. Habis makan pengen buru2 lgs cabut."
· Jakarta, Indonésie
5.7"I can say" One of my favorite places", if it isn't the most one."
Salle de concert
· Tangerang, Indonésie
8.1"Nice place to hang out with friends. Also has live music."